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Interruption Immunity: Navigating the Noise

🙋‍♂️ Raise your hand if you’ve ever planned a day free of interruptions.

Now, keep it raised if that actually worked. Just as I thought!

Did you know interruptions cost business over $588 BILLION per year?

Let’s stop leaving money on the table and dive into this:

Interruptions are an enemy who attacks our focus.

They’re like pop-up ads in your daily browser of life — annoying and disruptive.

Most people try to create a fortress around their workday. They hope to block out all distractions and interruptions.

But that’s like trying to stop the rain with an umbrella full of holes.

Interruptions don’t just steal time — they hijack your brain’s flow state

Each time you’re pulled away, your brain undergoes a ‘cognitive resumption cost’.

It’s like restarting a computer — it takes time and energy. This constant state of ‘brain reboot’ doesn’t just slow you down; it drains your mental energy.

The issue isn’t interruptions themselves, but their timing.

Research in cognitive psychology shows that resuming a task after an interruption can take up to 23 minutes to get back into flow. It’s not just about lost time; it’s about the energy and focus drained in the process.

The problem is ‘when’ you’re interrupted

The actual issue isn’t the interruptions themselves; it’s when they happen.

Allowing interruptions during deep work (the kind that moves the needle) is like inviting a bull into a china shop.

Don’t fight them — funnel them

What if you could control the floodgates of interruptions, not by stopping them, but by managing when they occur?

Don’t aim to stop interruptions. Instead, manage them strategically through Focus Modes.

I use the Eco Focus Mode for shallow focus tasks. These tasks have a low cognitive resumption cost.

What’s that mean?

It means it takes less mental effort and energy to resume a task in Eco mode. It’s a shorter mental reboot that when working on high mental effort tasks.

  1. Eco Mode Time: Set aside 30-60 minutes as your ‘Interruptions Allowed Zone’. This is when you let in the distractions — on your terms.
  2. Task Alignment: Use this time for low-stakes, autopilot tasks. Keep the heavy, needle-moving work safe from the distraction storm.
  3. Expectation Management: Understand that not everything in the Eco Mode will get done — and that’s okay. The goal is to protect your high-performance periods.

A simple schedule

  • 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Eco Mode for emails and calls.
  • 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Park mode to recharge and shift into another Focus Mode.
  • 11:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Sports Mode (deep work) with no interruptions.

Be conscious of how interruptions impact your flow state and energy.

By scheduling them, you’re taking control back. Save your brainpower for the tasks that truly move the needle.

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